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Jun. 20, 1994 Silver Spurs


Broken bones, lost teeth,

Bull snot swirling in air.

Rodeo. Gee Haw!


Jul 18,1994 Dusty Trails


He lived the life of a cowboy

Now he's just too old to ride.

The years have taken away his joy

And now they're beating on his pride.


He loved the Rodeo

And for those days his heart pines

As he sits staring on the front porch

As if looking for Heavenly signs.


His face is worn and wrinkled

Like the Stetson hat he wears.

There are lines on his face

For each of his worldly cares.


There's no young person to listen

To the stories that must be told.

Lord, it's Hell for a spirit so free

To be trapped in a body so old.


He once was a hero

That men told of in their tales

Now those days are just memories

Of good horses and dusty trails.


He mouths his harmonica

And plays a mournful song.

The young cowpuncher in his soul

Never knew days so long.


Then one night as he listens

To that old lonely whip-poor-will,

The trail comes to an end

And his cowboy heart lies still.


His pardners gather around and yell

As the Parson bows his head to pray.

They let loose a volley because they know

That today the cowboy just rides away.


Aug 15, 1994 Young Gun


I know you think you're mighty tough, Son.

I've watched how you twirl that old six gun.

Just be real careful or it won't be very long

'Til the Navajos are singin' your death song.


You say I'm yellow and I don't understand

How you're the fastest draw in the land.

You're lookin' for a fight and I know you will

Be endin' up in a plot on Boot Hill.


I've been in a quite a few showers of hot lead.

I quit countin' the men that I have shot dead.

I made children orphans and widows cry

'Til I longed for the day I would die.


You say, ain't that a shame and it's just so sad,

But it's 1860 and times sure are bad.

I'll see you on Boot Hill; I've got time to wait

Since that Lawman laid me low in '58.

Oct 1, 1994 Cowboy Up!


Be very careful what you say or do

Or some committee will be coming after you.

I'm tired of folks whining like a hungry pup.

Come on America, it's time to Cowboy Up!


Our ancestors came to a rough, untamed land

And faced their hardships like a woman and a man.

We once matured into gentlemen and ladies.

Now, we're raising spoiled, crying babies.


When times got rough, we took it on the chin.

Now, we want someone to blame and a lawyer who can win.

Groups abound so we are quickly defended

When we lack back bone and are so easily offended!


When a rider's been thrown and he starts to feel down.

His pardners say, "Cowboy Up!" to bring him back around.

There are too many lazy folks rattling their cup.

Come on, America, it's time to Cowboy Up!


We surely have our problems and we so easily sin,

But nothing will change unless we all chip in.

One day there will be no table at which you can sup

Unless Americans quit their cryin' and COWBOY UP!


Dec 30, 1994 Texas Eagle


The Texas Eagle rolls through the heartland

And I hold my sleepin' Dahlin's hand.

My favorite country singer is fillin' up my ears

While I reflect on my life's smiles and tears.


Tellin' my neighbors some of my life's tales

Helps to pass the hours ridin' these steel rails.

Passing by those dormant fields of wheat,

I can hear America's steady heart beat.



It's the folks in these old small towns

And not the high falutin' Wall Street clowns

That made this country when it was great.

And they'll do it again, you just wait.


You can keep your big city wit and charm.

Put me back down home on the farm.

I'd be with folks who are just what you see

Watchin' the Texas Eagle roll by and proud to be free.


May 19, 1995 West Texas Heaven


I found the peace that I was needin'

In the West Texas town called Eden.

A little further down the road in old San Angelo,

The views prepared me for that heavenly glow.


God loves Texas and tucks it in bed at night

With a soft blanket of clouds. Oh, what a sight!

I've got wide open spaces where I can roam

Just like the vastness of that eternal home.



Texas must be a lot like glory

Where I'll be singin' the old, old story.

Where God finger paints in the big blue sky

And the soul passes over never more to die.


A man can settle down in a place like Ranger.

Away from the big city noise and danger.

There's no way a man can be more free

Except for when he kneels at Calvary.


Sinner, friend you may never ride the plains with me,

But turn and gaze right now upon that old rugged tree.

Call upon Jesus to save you then you'll know

Heaven's where you'll land when thrown from life's rodeo.




6/27/2003 Where Momma Is


Whenever I felt lost without a clue

Or just down and very blue.

I could always go

Home where Momma was.


When I needed wisdom beyond my years

Or someone to dry my bitter tears

I could always go

Home where Momma was


When I just needed a place to rest

Where I knew that I would always be blest

I could always go

Home where Momma was.


Now, Momma has been touched by death's cold hand

And I am so grieved that I can barely stand

At that familiar door to the

Home where Momma was.


Yet in my heart I can hear her voice

Telling me that I should rejoice

For things are so very grand at

Home where Momma is.


There will come a day when I too

Shall pass beyond the clouded blue

And then again I'll be

Home where Momma is.


5/27/08 Texan When I Die


If I die in some far off foreign land
And you must bury me beneath their sand.
Look for me in that Bonnie Blue sky
I’ll still be a Texan when I die.

Should I have such an unfortunate fate
To perish outside the old Lone Star state.
It does not matter where my bones may lie
I’ll still be an old Texan when I die.

I’ll look up Sam Houston and old Lamar
And hear Bob Wills play his swingin’ guitar
Right after I see the One who saved my hide
And thank Him that as a true Texan I died.

God has blessed me it’s plain enough to see
He gave me time in Texas to be free.
He saved my soul thus to Heaven I’ll hie
And be a shoutin’ Texan when I die.


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